“Imagine” is a picnic table design for Milford’s first Brush 2 Table public art project. The Milford Cultural Council chose 11 artists to paint tables that are installed throughout the town’s public spaces:
To my daughter Mattina: Imagine a world, my goose, where you can be anything and do anything.
To any child, who like me, felt lost or neglected, remember you can be anything. You need only imagine it.
This table started as an illustration about the magic of reading. And like everything I make, it became a deeply personal project: a collaborative piece by my daughter and I that she can visit in years to come. The table and clouds are painted by her, and the integrated drawings are mine.
My daughter Mattina loves to finger paint, and read and play pretend. She is my sun. Her Grammy, my mother, took her life almost ten years ago. After a long struggle with mental illness, she left me no explanations or reassurances. For Mattina I want there to be no doubts how I feel. Someday when I die, she will be left with piles and piles of drawings and paintings- all love letters to her.
Mattina, you are loved. You were wanted. You are everything.
The second project was inspired by the prompt, Trash-to-Treasure. An image of my daughter and I are nestled among flowers. I am lying in a dark bed of petals, while my daughter is among castles and light floral arrangements. This transition is about the breaking of cycles.